Język angielski - zajęcia

      • materiały do utrwalania w domu

      •  ROK SZKOLNY 2023/2024


        Słownictwo czynne:
        tree, grass, flowers, leaves, fruits, snowflakes
        spring, summer, autumn, winter
        chips, sausages, soup, fish, chicken, salad
        sandwiches, water, fizzy drink, chocolate, nuts
        yummy, yucky, pizza, tomato, cheese, ham, mushrooms, olives
        Yes, I do. No, I don't. I like...
        mother, father, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa
        Słownictwo bierne:
        What season is it? How many flowers are there on the tree?
        What is it? What are they?
        Is it yucky? Is it yummy? Are they yummy?
        Do you like fish/salad...? 
        My favourite food is soup.
        Who's that? Have you got a sister/a brother...?
        How many olives do you have?
        Piosenki i rymowanki utrwalające słownictwo:
        How Many Flowers?-Fun Time
        Little Snowflake-Super Simple Songs
        Yummy Food-Fun Time
        Cake Song for Kids-Steve and Maggie
        Banana-I Can Sing
        Good for You-I Can Sing
        Biscuits on the Table-I Can Sing
        Daddy Cat-I Can Sing
        Grandma's Glasses-Talking Toddler Learning Videos
        Let's Make a Pizza-Maple Leaf Learning



        Słownictwo czynne:
        sunny, cloudy, stormy, rainy, foggy, snowy
        snowman, snowball, hat, icicles, frozen, snowflakes
        Christmas, Santa Claus, present, Christmas tree, bells, angel, carols, star
        spring, summer, autumn, winter, flowers, leaves, grass
        Słownictwo bierne:
        What's the weather like? It's sunny/cloudy...
        It's snowing. Let's make a snowman. Put a hat on the snowman's head.
        Is it a good present for Mark? What's your present?
        What's that? Merry Christmas!
        What season is it? It's spring/summer.
        How many flowers are there...?
        Piosenki i rymowanki utrwalające słownictwo:
        The Rainy Day-Fun Time
        Weather-Fun Time
        Hot Sun-I Can Sing
        Twinkle Twinkle Little Star-Super Simple Songs
        I'm a Little Snowman-Super Simple Songs
        S-A-N-T-A-Super Simple Songs
        How Many Flowers-Fun TIme



        Słownictwo czynne:
        chest of gold, castle, sword, wand, crown
        fairy, knight, king, queen, princess, dragon
        hedgehog, bear, snake, monkey, elephant, tiger
        wellies, raincoat, umbrella, puddle, raindrop, lightning
        rainbow, crayons, red, blue, yellow, orange, green, purple
        Słownictwo bierne:
        Look! There's a king/knight. He's got a crown/sword.
        I want to be a princess/knight.
        Let's dance/walk/swim... 
        Can you see the raincoat/umrella? 
        Yes, I can. No, I can't.
        Colour the crayons.
        Piosenki utrwalające słownictwo:
        In a Fairy-tale Land-Fun Time
        In the Castle-Fun Time
        Do It-I Can Sing
        The Rainy Day-Fun Time




        słownictwo czynne:

        one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

        pen, marker, crayon, rubber, glue stick, pencil case

        bed, cooker, bath, sofa, picture, chest

        wall, chimney, roof, window, door

        słownictwo bierne:

        How many markers have you got in your pencil case? I've got eight markers in my pencil case.

        What is it? Where's the sofa/cooker? It's in then bathroom/kitchen...

        Let’s go to the chest/bed...

        My house is big/red. There's a red/blue wall/roof in my house.

        Listen, point, match, tick, cross out, draw, say...

        piosenki i rymowanki utrwalające słownictwo:

        I Like Five-I Can Sing

        Colors Finger Family

        My Five Senses Chant

        Where Is It? -Fun Time

        In a Fairy-tale Land -Fun Time

        Numbers -Fun Time

        My House -Fun Time




        słownictwo czynne:

        hello, hi, goodbye, bye, good morning, good afternoon, good evening

        I'm..., happy, sad, angry

        pen, pencil case, rubber, glue stick, marker, crayon

        hopscotch, board game, card game, computer game, football, hide and seek, tag

        one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten


        słownictwo bierne:

        What's your name? How are you? I'm happy/sad.

        What's this? Touch a pen. Show me a book. Can I have...(a pen/a rubber), please? Yes, of course. No, sorry.

        What's your favourite game? Let's play tag/a board game. Great idea!

        How many markers have you got in your pencil case? I've got eight markers in my pencil case.


        piosenki utrwalające słownictwo:

        Hello Song-Fun Time

        Bye-bye Song-Fun Time

        Can I Have?-Fun Time

        Play with Me-Fun Time

        Let's Shake Hands-Maple Leaf Learning

        Walking, Walking-Super Simple Songs

        Up and Down-I Can Sing

        Open a Book-I Can Sing

        Mummy Play with Me- I Can Sing

        I Like Five-I Can Sing



        ROK SZKOLNY 2022/2023


        Słownictwo czynne:
        beach, mountains, lake, river, sea
        holidays, summer, relax, trip, travel
        meet friends, play, have fun
        shark, starfish, crab, whale, octopus, sea lion, turtle
        country, city, Poland, England, Great Britain
        Słownictwo bierne:
        Let's go to the beach/mountains.
        What will you do on holidays? I will relax/play.
        What kind of animals live in the ocean?
        What can sea lions do?
        I don't go to the city. I don't like the city. He doesn't like the city.
        Piosenki utrwalające słownictwo:
        Down in the Deep Blue Sea
        Baby Shark Song
        A Sailor Went to Sea
        Over the Deep Blue Sea
        This Is My City Lion's Team 3-latki
        Let's Go to My City Lion's Team 4-latki
        My City Lion's Team 5-latki
        In My City Lion's Team 6-latki





        Słownictwo czynne:
        tiger, crocodile, giraffe, monkey, elephant
        snake, zebra, hippo, lion, bear
        car, boat, helicopter, bus, plane
        train, bike, motorbike 
        bored, interested, disgusted
        happy, sad, angry, scared
        Słownictwo bierne:
        How are you feeling? I'm bored.
        Are you sad? No, I'm not sad.
        I'm feeling happy/bored.
        How many (snakes/tigers) are there?
        Let's go by (car/train). 
        We can go by car or by train.
        Piosenki utrwalające słownictwo:
        The Wheels on the Bus
        Let's Be Planes
        We're Going to the Zoo
        Going on a Lion Hunt
        If You're Happy
        Are You Happy? (Lion's Team 3-latki)
        I'm Happy (Lion's Team 4-latki)
        How Are You Feeling? (Lion's Team 5-latki)
        How Are You Feeling Today? (Lion's Team 6-latki)










        Słownictwo czynne:
        Easter lamb, Easter bunny, Easter basket, Easter hunt,
        baby chick, chocolate egg, catkins
        restaurant, school, preschool, supermarket, park, cinema
        shop, troley, shopping list, cake, ice cream, sweets
        Słownictwo bierne:
        Happy Easter!
        Let's play in the park. Don't jump on the street!
        Where is a shop? It's here.
        Where do you want to go? I want to go to the park.
        Go straight/Turn left/Turn right.
        Can I have a car, please? Yes, here you are. Thank you.
        No, I'm sorry. I don't have a car.
        How much is it? It's 3 zlotys.
        Piosenki utrwalające słownictwo:
        This Is the Way the Bunny Hops
        This Is My City-3-latki Lion's Team
        Let's Go To My City-4-latki Lion's Team
        My City-5-latki Lion's Team
        In My City-6-latki Lion's Team







        Słownictwo czynne:
        lion, cat, dog, mouse, sheep, rabbit
        cow, pig, horse, hen, chicken, duck, goat
        country, farm, flowers, grass
        river, lake, mountain, picnic, basket
        Słownictwo bierne:
        What's this? It's a sheep.
        What does a cat say? A cat says 'meow'
        What does a rabbit look like? It's white and it has got big ears.
        I can see a pig. I can hear a cow. I can smell flowers. I can feel my face.
        Can I have a....? Here you are
        Piosenki utrwalające poznane słownictwo:
        Old McDonald Had a Farm
        My Little Farm-Lion's Team (3-latki)
        On My Little Farm-Lion's Team (4-latki)
        On My Farm-Lion's Team (5-latki)
        My Farm-Lion's Team (6-latki)
        We're Going on a Picnic





        Słownictwo czynne:
        dance, play football, play basketball, swim, climb trees, ride a bike
        paint, sing, listen to music, read
        wake up, go to sleep, play with friends, take a shower, get dressed, brush teeth, take a bath
        breakfast, dinner, supper
        morning, afternoon, night
        tomato, carrot, lettuce, cucumber, peas
        valentine, heart, love, chocolate
        Słownictwo bierne:
        Can you swim/dance...? I can...I can't...
        Do you like reading/listening to music...? I like...I don't like
        What do you do every day?
        What do you do in the morning/in the afternoon/at night?
        What do you do at two o'clock?
        What do you have for breakfast?
        Piosenki utrwalające poznane słownictwo:
        What Can You Do?
        I Can Play
        Elmo and Abby's Valentine's Day
        A,E,I,O,U,I Love You
        Every Day-Lion's Team (3)
        What Do You Do Every Day-Lion's Team (4)
        That's What You Do Every Day-Lion's Team (5)
        My Day-Lion's Team (6)
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      • Przedszkole nr 4 w Dąbrowie Górniczej
      • (32) 268-55-29
      • 41-303 Dąbrowa Górnicza
        ul. Cieszkowskiego 20a
      • * telefonicznie/fax: (32) 268-55-29

        * listownie: ul. Cieszkowskiego 20a, Dąbrowa Górnicza, 41-303

        * za pośrednictwem skrzynki ePuap: PM4DabrowaG

        * e-mail: sekretariat@p4.dg.pl

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